Hi, my name is Rob. I’m a web developer and designer living in Antwerp, Belgium.

I build elegant, functional, and performant content for the web.

static sites icon Static Websites

Need a website for your business, and don't need a CMS connected to it? I build static websites in variety of technologies, and will select for your use case.

fullstack applications icon Web Applications

I have experience in fullstack development, working with technologies like React, Next.js, Ruby on Rails, Django, Express.js, and more. I can help tailor a web stack that fits your needs.

mobile applications icon Mobile Applications

If you are developing something for mobile use, I have experience with building cross-platform applications in React-Native and Expo, connected to mobile-optimized backends.

backend and CMS icon Backend and CMS

Want to have control over your website's content? I have experience working in multiple backend frameworks, as well as CMS systems, and can create systems to suit your needs.

microservices icon Micro Services

Want an interactive map? A Chrome extension? Something else entirely? I have built chrome extensions, scraping tools, interactive maps and much more, and am up for the challenge.

website maintenance Existing System Updates

I have worked on a consulting basis, optimizing websites, and can easily help refactor code, increase performance, change content, and upgrade existing systems.